Welcome to Getting Lean Rx!
I am excited to see your journey over the next 30 days! Below are 10 Steps to your JUMPSTART Guide. Each of these steps will help you kick off your program and plan for your success.
Get started by entering your e-mail below!
While you’re waiting for your package to arrive let’s get a JUMPSTART on your program!
Start your day by stimulating your digestion. Each morning sipping a cup of warm water with 1 Tablespoon of either lemon juice or apple cider vinegar. Make sure to rinse your mouth out after with cool water.
Drink a SMOOTHIE see recipes attached. CLICK TO DOWNLOAD
Once your package arrives this would be the perfect time to take your morning supplements.
During the mid morning sip on water and herbal tea & make sure you get at least 4 cups of fluids in before lunchtime!
Take your lunch supplements and eat a Big Salad with a side of 4 to 6 ounces of Lean Protein such as white breast chicken fish or lean red meat grilled or baked. Vegetarians might consider grilled Tofu or Tempe.
During the mid afternoon sip on water and herbal tea & make sure you get at least 4 cups of fluids in before dinner time!
Take your dinner supplements and eat non-starchy cooked vegetables (steamed or grilled) with a side of 4 to 6 ounces of Lean Protein such as white breast chicken fish or lean red meat grilled or baked. Vegetarians might consider grilled Tofu or Tempe.
Finish eating before 8pm and if you need a snack have an orange or grapefruit.
Sip herbal hot tea in the evening.
Join the Private Facebook group for support, updates and new recipes or meal planning.
BE SURE TO SIGN UP for LeanRx e-mail encouragement at the top of THIS PAGE using the form in order to receive handouts attached for recipes, food lists and other info regarding your package. DON’T MISS OUT!
It is my goal to provide support and feedback along your program. Please feel free to send me an email or post (In our private Facebook Group) to let me know when you get started. I would also love to see you share your challenges or successes along the way!
Dr. Nancy Lins ND