The nights after bringing baby home can be sleepless for many new moms. Here are some tips to improve your nights and get the rest you need to recuperate from birth.
Falling Asleep
- Ask partner to help with getting baby to sleep
- Remove electronic devices from your bedroom including phones, computers and clocks
- Create darkness in bedroom (black out drapes or sleeping mask)
- Get comfortable with temperature, blankets & pillows
- Avoid TV or computer before sleep
- Ritual can bring inner peace by reviewing & releasing the day
- Releasing fear with deep belly breathing
- Pray, meditate, list to peaceful music, drink warm Tulsi Tea or reading a positive book, take a calming bath with oils
Staying Asleep
- Ask partner to help with getting baby for nursing if not co-sleeping
- Wear ear plugs
- Reduce fluids and food after 7 pm
- Eat a light dinner
- Have your neurotransmitter levels tested to begin Targeted Amino Acid Therapy if indicated
Falling Back to Sleep
- Co-Sleeping with baby can make it easier to fall back asleep after nighttime nursing
- Keep your eyes closed unless you need to use the restroom or are thirsty
- Take another dose of sleep supplements (per approval by doctor)
- Begin meditation/mantra to calm the mind
- Write notes for whatever is on your mind
- Do some long deep breathing
- Read a book or listen to calming music
- Take a shower
- If night sweats or nocturia are waking you up speak with your naturopath about natural treatment options
Tips for Restful Sleep
- Go to bed by 10 PM
- Have an dinner by 6:00 PM.
- Stop foods & liquids past 7 PM
- Avoid alcohol, smoking & pharmaceutical drugs with a side effect of insomnia.
- Exercise before sunset
- Create your nighttime ritual warm bath, scented candles, calming music, peaceful reading, calming tea
Did you know?
- Sleep affects immune function
- Sleep is restorative (muscle growth, tissue repair, protein synthesis, and growth hormone release occur during sleep)
- Night shift work disrupts the production of melatonin, a powerful anti-cancer hormone & The World Health Organization has labeled night shift work as a class 2 carcinogen,
- Sleep affects body shape more so than diet and exercise
- Sleep detoxifies the brain via the lymphatic system
- Sleep keeps you focused, positive & emotionally stable
- Sleep helps you learn and integrate new skills
- Sleep helps long & short term memory
- Sleep increases hormone secretions, regulating neuroendocrine function of metabolism, growth and reproduction.
- Sleep refuels the brain with glucose so you feel alert when you wake up
Taking the time to improve your sleep will help you feel calmer, happier and get more done!
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